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XpatPay Canada - Net to Gross Software

So how does the software do it? I know the Net Pay, what's the Gross Pay?

You specify the net pay (take home pay) that the employee should get and the software calculates the gross pay necessary for that net pay.

You can also specify the currency. For example, you promise the employee will get €5,490 a month. The software will convert the net pay into Canadian dollars using the currency conversion you want, then follow the formula mentioned previously to determine the gross pay you need. The gross pay will change from month-to-month based on currency exchange, changes to CRA income tax rules and maxing out on CPP and EI. But the employee will always get the same net pay in Euros regardless of the exchange rate or the changes to Canadian tax rules.

Isn't the extra pay you give them a taxable benefit?

The whole gross pay is taxable--subject to Canadian tax, not just the net pay amount. We strictly follow Canada Revenue Agency rules. Net-to-gross people are taxed exactly the same as gross-to-net employees.

Some of our employees are not subject to CPP, can you handle that?

Yes, just check off the "CPP Exempt" box for that employee.

We have some special circumstances, can you customize your software to handle our needs?

Yes. Tell us what you want, we are flexible.

How can I contact someone for more information?

Call (403) 265-4869 and ask for Douglas Hahn for more information, or email

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